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Citations for Assessment of Intestinal Failure

  1. Bharadwaj S, Tandon P, Gohel TD, et al. Current status of intestinal and multivisceral transplantation. Gastroenterology Report. 2017;5(1):20-28. doi:10.1093/gastro/gow045.

  2. Abu-Elmagd K, Bond G. Gut failure and abdominal visceral transplantation. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2003;62(3):727-737. doi:10.1079/pns2003288.

  3. Langnas AN, Goulet O, Quigley EMM, Tappenden KA. Intestinal Failure Diagnosis, Management, and Transplantation. Malden, MA: Blackwell; 2008.

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