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Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR): In 1984, Congress passed the National Organ Transplant Act (See also National Organ Transplant Act (NOTA)) that mandated the establishment of the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network and SRTR HRSA Exit Disclaimer. The purpose of the SRTR is to provide evaluation of clinical information about donors, transplant candidates and recipients, as well as patient and graft survival rates.

Sensitized: Having antibodies in the blood, which means a potential recipient will react against a greater number of potential organ offers. Sensitization usually occurs because of pregnancy,

blood transfusions or a previous organ transplant. Sensitization is measured by panel reactive antibody (PRA). A highly sensitized patient is more likely to react against an organ and, therefore, has a smaller pool of potential organs that he/she may receive.

Side effect: An unintended reaction to a drug.

Skin: This is the largest organ of the body and has several different functions (e.g., protection from infection, fluid balance, cooling). Skin grafts can save the life a burn victim and can provide severely scarred individuals with a better quality of life.

Social Security Administration: A Federal Government program best known for its retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration also administers disability benefits. Your salary and

the number of years you have been covered under this program determine the amount of your monthly benefit.

Spend down: For disabled people who have higher incomes but cannot pay their medical bills. Under this program, a person pays part of his or her monthly medical expenses (the spend down), then Medicaid steps in and pays the rest. Eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Status: In the context of transplantation, an indication of the degree of medical urgency for patients awaiting heart or liver transplants.

Systolic blood pressure: The top number in your blood pressure (the 120 in a blood pressure of 120/80). It measures the maximum pressure exerted when the heart contracts.

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