Supporting and educating patients and families on the intestinal failure,
intestinal rehabilitation and intestinal and multivisceral transplantation journey.
Returning to Work
There are many factors that you must consider when you are thinking about returning to work after your transplant. Firstly, you must consider your stamina and energy level. Even though you may feel better than before transplant, you still probably will not be one-hundred percent. You may feel as though you have a lot of energy while you are just doing tasks around the house, but your energy level may be quite different once you get out of the house and into a work environment. Secondly, you also must consider the fact that you are immunosuppressed and with a weakened immune system. If your previous job was in a field such as healthcare or a daycare, it may be wise to reconsider the type of job that you consider taking on.
Many post-transplant patients are afraid to return to work because of losing social security disability and insurance benefits. While this is a valid fear, the government has a program called ticket to work that allows you to ‘trial work’ for a period of up to 9 months, during which your SSDI check is unaffected. You can use this time for job training or school or to trial a job to see if you have the stamina to get back into the workforce. If you determine it is the right fit, then you can continue working, while if it isn’t, you keep your disability. Also, if within three years of going off of disability with ticket to work, if your monthly work income drops below a specified amount designated by the government, then you can get your disability check once again. This program can put you at ease and give you the opportunity to trail work without feeling like you are ‘risking it all.’
For more information and an online tutorial visit this page.